Bring your campaigns up to date – it’s more effective

Is Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter or other holiday coming? Or do you have regular sales? For all of these events, you usually have special graphics on the ad. Advertising associated with specific events simply works better than general advertising. But there is only a few such ads that run on Facebook, and when there are such ads, they usually focus either on special themed emoticon labels or prepare single-use graphics. But have you ever seen anyone working like this with dynamic retargeting product, each product having a special thematic graphic for...     read more

Personalized retargeting for websites with a form

Dynamic retargeting is a great thing. You are targeting the person who viewed specific items on your website. Or you even have more information – did your potential client fill out the form and enter a name or other information? If he/she, for example, calculated online insurance, so you know how much the insurance will cost for him/her. If you have such data and the client has not completed the order yet, you have a great opportunity to do a truly highly targeted and personalized retargeting. Within your banners, you can program the desired creative and...     read more

Retargeting – the best books, presentations and infographics

Even though retargeting is one of the most efficient methods of online marketing, there are only a few authors and articles which go into the depth of this topic. I have chosen the best works on this topic from my point of view.   Book: The Retargeting Playbook This is a perfect book to get the basic information about whole subject of retargeting. It was written by AdRoll employees – this company is specialized in remarketing. However, it was published in 2014 and some parts are getting...     read more

Microdata – old for SEO new for Facebook

Facebook has just announced their collection of microdata; because the announcement is so recent, its impact is still unclear at this time. Microdata, however, is nothing new to web developers. Google, for example, has been using it to enrich information for a long time. We imagine Facebook will use it the same way, with the goal of better understanding the pages and their visitors. As a result, it will not be necessary to use Events in Facebook Pixel. So, what exactly is microdata, and why should you care? Microdata is "machine-readable data". Such...     read more

Facebook Pixel Helper – Learning from Others (e.g.

Pixel Helper is a Google Chrome tool which shows Facebook the pixels that are loaded on the website you’re browsing. Nice and fast, with no previous programming experience needed. In addition to troubleshooting errors on your website or e-shop, you can also use it to check pixels on other websites -- a great way to learn from other’s mistakes! If you haven’t installed Pixel Helper on your browser yet, do so now and keep reading for some useful tips on how to best utilize it. This article was written at a time when facebook started implementing a new...     read more