Eye-catching and effective images in dynamic Facebook ads

If you work with Facebook ads created from XML product feeds, you’re bound to have image issues

There’s the size issue for starters, and don’t even get us started about how much a vertical orientation can screw up an otherwise horizontally-inclined feed. Once you’ve finally tackled those problems, which format do you choose? Resolution? Quality?Only few people are able to visualize what their e-shop images will look like in their final Facebook ad versions.

That’s why we’ve created the XMLCanvas editor — for those of us who need a little bit more than imagination to create stunning ads. Even if you are one of those people, stick around and try it out. Go ahead, the first 14 days are free.

Exact aspect ratio

Facebook offers two image formats for dynamic ads.


The recommended image size is 600 x 600 px with 1:1 aspect ratio, while Facebook displays:

  • 460 x 460 px – on mobile devices
  • 300 x 300 px – in a desktop feed
  • 125 x 125 px – in the righthand desktop column


The recommended image size is 1200 x 628 px with 1.9:1 aspect ratio, while Facebook displays:

  • 560 x 293 px – on mobile devices
  • 470 x 246 px – in a desktop feed
  • 254 x 133 px – in the righthand desktop column

If you use a different size or aspect ratio, your Facebook ad won’t be displayed, saved, or will be adapted automatically without your control.

XMLCanvas generates ads in the requested format so that Facebook displays them correctly, as you see them in the preview. You can also check out all your XML feed images right next to each other. Nice.

There’s a big difference between an image and an eye-catching image

We know that there’s a lot of truth to the old saying, a picture is worth a thousand words However, if your image isn’t aesthetically pleasing, those thousand words might not be positive ones. Make sure you get the most out of your image’s thousand words by using our editor to take a boring old photo and make it into a powerful tool for catching the eye of your consumer.  Better images mean more clickthroughs, more clickthroughs mean more sales, and we all know what more sales means. All it takes is a little image improvement.

A few clicks adds important information to your images such as your product’s price, stock availability or whatever else you deem fit. Make it yours. Plus, we’re offering your first 14 days free, what do you have to lose? Start improving your images.

Don’t think it makes much of a difference? See for yourself:

Ordinary image

Ordinary image

Enriched image

Enriched image


Ordinary image

Enriched image

Just a friendly reminder: Facebook recommends for the text not to exceed 20% of the total image size.

Which image would you rather click on? Here is a proof:


Try XMLCanvas.com, it is free.


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